Monday, March 10, 2008

Grown up dinner party quotes

Had a little dinner do the other night at ours which produced some memorable moments. I had the pleasure of introducing whiskey sours a la healy to a whole new continent of whinorhinos and after a few batches of those, a shed-load of wine and a loverly feast, the party games commenced!

“I am an implied male?"

We were playing that game where you have to guess who you are (you have a sticker on your head with a famous name on it)...
Joe was E.T.

“Jesus Christ!”
Steve actually was labeled Jesus Christ but he said this in frustration with our vague answers to questions such as ‘Am I a fictional character?’ and ‘Am I dead?’ I was gonna give it to him after I recovered from laughing but we played on.
But the funniest things always come out of Colleen for some reason...she was explaining that although she is a programmer and computery work person she is crap at actually using them.

“I can’t work the damn things at all, I just programme the belly of the beast”
“So you don’t talk to the beast?”
“No, I am the beast”

Yes colleen, you are the beast, but you are allergic to all types of fur...

“001101011001101...It’s a joke in binary!”
“You told it wrong!”
Computer dorks having a laugh. There’s always two of ‘em in a crowd...