We were playing that game where you have to guess who you are (you have a sticker on your head with a famous name on it)...“I am an implied male?"
Joe was E.T.
“Jesus Christ!”Steve actually was labeled Jesus Christ but he said this in frustration with our vague answers to questions such as ‘Am I a fictional character?’ and ‘Am I dead?’ I was gonna give it to him after I recovered from laughing but we played on.
But the funniest things always come out of Colleen for some reason...she was explaining that although she is a programmer and computery work person she is crap at actually using them.
“I can’t work the damn things at all, I just programme the belly of the beast”
“So you don’t talk to the beast?”
“No, I am the beast”
Yes colleen, you are the beast, but you are allergic to all types of fur...
“001101011001101...It’s a joke in binary!”Computer dorks having a laugh. There’s always two of ‘em in a crowd...
“You told it wrong!”