(even the wall paper had a wee drink)
(even the wall paper had a wee drink)
Nichole said,
"Ohhhhh. I love Buddha. But I don't like his nipples."
"I must have SpiegeltentBob"
Explanation: I was at the Spiegeltent last night, which I love because I have that flair for the dramatic as you know, and there was this one fellow dancing his little heart out for all he was worth. Not only did he not have any rhythm whatsoever, he was also doing the drunken healy-spin-your-partner-round-violently-and-fall-on-things dance, AND he had the most outrageous giant white man afro (like sideshow bob) which he continually dragged his fingers through and shook to the crowd's masssive appreciation. We spotted him upon arrival and Colleen vowed that he would be hers. I went on to consume at least one of everything (including shots of tequila oh my) over the course of the evening and when I looked up, Bob had gotten away. Oh well. I so wished I had my camera so you could see the spectacle that is Spiegeltent Bob...