Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sleeping with deities

Long time no quotes kids!

This one happened a while back but we were just re-laughing about it yesterday so here ya go...

The bed in our guestroom is really really comfortable. Everyone says so! But one friend, Pete, came skipping downstairs in the morning proclaiming his good night's sleep so enthusiastically we're still talking about it months later...

"It was like sleeping in the hand of Jesus!"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Labor 2008

We have a whole wall in the war room (campaign command center...we weren't actually AT war) filled with quotes that will mean nothing to most people. But I thought I would pass this one along.

Some of the progressive crew who work out of our office were having a pot luck. My team and I were in the training room late one night stuffing envelopes and getting punchy when we happened to notice the board listing what people were bringing. It went something like this:

Joe - beet salad
Sally - tofu scramble
John - vegetable soup
etc, etc.

At the bottom was printed:
Brian - something random.

Mai turned to the rest of us and said "Oh my god. 'Something random' is the best thing on the menu!"

Monday, September 29, 2008

Poop talk at the table

"It's good,
It's nice,
It's interesting!"

~ Kerry on colonic irrigation

"And no one can say you're full of shit!"

~Steve is quick with the witty repartee

Well it's just not proper dinner conversation until someone brings up poop now is it?

7 Habits of Highly Effective Quotes

I have this friend, we'll call him Liam (because that's his name), who really really like those self-help, get ahead in business type books. He is especially fond of all things Stephen Covey (who wrote that 7 habits book).

Anyhoo, I got sent on a fancy schmancy training course for work about all that and Liam was so jealous. We spent a good 2 hours discussing it in a bar one night (ok trying to name all 7 in a bar one night) and then trying to explain it to others yeilding this quote:

"Stephen Covey must have unwittingly spawned a lot of suicide bombers!"

~ Liam on Habit 1: Being Proactive

Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Quotable Night at Marcia's House

I spent Saturday evening with Jen at her sister's house. This time, the quote book was a paper towel. There are some that will remain on the paper towel to protect the innocent...but a few of the suitable for public consumption quotes follow below:

* Of course, once people know the quote book is out, they are always trying to be quotable. TJ kept saying "write that down" after things he, himself, had said. This led me to remind him of the basic tenet of The Quote Book":

If you try to get on it, it's never gonna happen.

* At one point in the evening, TJ and Paul were commenting on the fact that Renee and I were drinking water. We were intermixing water and beer like the good, professionals that we are. It led us into the conversation about being properly hydrated. Paul said he drinks a Costco sized bottle of water on the way to work and Renee wondered if that was everyday or just after late night drinking, prompting this excellent rookie quote from Paul:

Hangover days? On hangover days I don't even piss until 5 PM.

* Jen's sister Cindi was the second one to bed but for some reason she wouldn't quite go to sleep. Given the mass amounts of vodka consumed, we found this to be rather remarkable. Jen -ever the nurturing caregiver, kept going up to check on her prompting this classic exchange between Renee and TJ:

Renee: Where's Jen?
TJ: She's putting Cindi to bed.
Renee: Still? Damn. Can't she just hit her over the head with something?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wedding Quote

I went to a friend's wedding this weekend. All very lovely. I was chatting with some women I used to work with - both my age-ish, married with kids.

Also both with lovely, pale, Irish, bright-red-sun-burn-after-3-minutes-outside type skin. After a few drinks one of them turned to me and said:

Seriously, screw love and money. Marry for melanin.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I need to get some older friends

So - I have these 26 year olds that I hang out with quite a bit. Both lovely gents and I have fun with them and, most of the time, we're on the same wavelength. But Saturday night we're out and I had one of those moments where I felt like I was babysitting.

They were arguing about something and then (and I kid you not) started slapping each other upside the head across the table and tapping each other's beer to make it foam over. I was in the middle and finally had to put my arms out and stop them.

At which point I uttered what Ted (one of the aforementioned 26 year olds) determined should be a someecard:

After the pre-teen fighting stopped I looked at them and said :

"I gotta go. I need to get up early tomorrow to reevaluate my life."

* Cross posted at ProcrastiNation